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New Age Stuff “Do you really want to meet your soul mate?”

By Simina Missimo

As this type of meeting is destined, it is firstly foreseen by the one or both of them, felt before, dreamt or announced by special signs. The heart located in the shrine of the soul could  beat powerfully even before the meeting. Then the duo has the apparent sensation that they are not for the first time meeting. The higher chakras enter into communication rather than the lower ones and it produces an energetically connections with almost painful impulses. Telepathic transmissions are easy and there are even common dreams  where they may receive information about the past lives from.

It is  hard to say that this type of relationship is suitable for a couple with a “linear” life style, where both of them are going to work, are coming back home, she cooks, he reads the newspaper, they eat, sleep, go in vacation once a year and then repeat the cycle indefinitely. This kind of relationship is for the “terrestrial couples”. The “astral couples” or “soul mates” are defined by an experience rather short, but powerful, and quite often long but very very intense experiences and extremely deep  life lessons . The relationship between the two soul mates will not ever  be a linear one. When one of the lessons of love will end after an extremely short break another one will start. Such couples will never say they can get bored. Their lives will be constantly sprinkled with events.

Lesson of love is extremely variable.

But love requires two people, with different destinies, with different expectations, ready to receive love or to be taken surprisingly by it.
The soul mates are meeting in one lifetime only if it is necessary to do so.

There are several types of meeting between the soul mates:
-meeting surprise or meeting, gift, thanks to the suffering that they have already had in ​​a previous life and now come to give birth to a child as elevated as they are;
-test meeting, the two have not solved yet all the problems from a previous life and they resume them in their actual life;
-saving meeting, where one of them helps the other one or upholds him/her in a difficult time of his life(often one is sick and the other one take care of him/her);
– impossible love, when the two could not be together any way due to distance, differences in age, parental opposition, inability to procreate together or one of them has a shorter life span etc. It’s sure that the two do not have enough willpower to overcome these things and they can choose “terrestrial” life partners closer to their own personal limits , but they can still  love each other for the rest of the life;
– a soul mate is not incarnate, but communication between the two souls continues at the transcendental level.

The meeting of soul mates is shocking and often it occurs with mutual idealization. They get identified each other and swear that no longer exists anyone in the world   with those qualities.
Then what follows?
The disappointment, because everything started from a superlative that can not be reached. This superlative is their pure state as divine beings, so familiar to each of them’s soul. But returning to the lessons that must be learned here on the earth, even as soul mates, they are still human beings and they are undergoing the same trials, blocks and low vibrations. If the two soul mates want a life together they should start from this issue, but most often it wants all or nothing.

Being together a divine spark, each of them becomes very exigent to the other  and can demand more, from desire to grow together. If this is not successful, the separation occurs.
So the relationship with a  soul mate is not necessarily a love from which we learn,( the both souls are very similar) but it is a love test, in which the question is whether the two are evolved enough in order to get a common fate on the Earth where the unconditional love, the tolerance, the understanding, and respect are spiritual qualities which rise above any negative traits that are ,after all, natural for a human being.

You can contact  Simina Missimo in the emal :


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