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New Age Stuff “Body Mind and Spirit 31 of March and 1 of April in Limassol!”

Body Mind and Spirit 31 of March and 1 of April in Limassol!
Margarita Berdanis talks to Skala Times about the Body Mind and Spirit weekend in Limassol. Entrance is only 8 euros and you can gain a lot for your mind, body and spirit! Don’t miss it!
“The first Cyprus Mind, Body & Spirit Expo (by that name) was in 2002. There were similar events before – the first was “The Aquarius Gathering” in 1986.
Together with my partners Sara and Francesca, we co-ordinate the participants of the MBS Expo. We arrange for the space, organize the presentation and publicise the event through a magazine, website and also the media. Some of our participants have been taking part for the past 10 years; others are with us for the first time. We welcome anyone who has something to offer in the fields of holistic health, ecology, self -development, spirituality and natural living. People that are coming are about half/half, a good balance of Cypriot and foreigners. In previous years it was mainly foreigners but there is a much greater awareness locally of holistic therapies and healthy living.

We organize one event in Limassol every spring and one in Nicosia each November. There is a similar even, The Health & Well-being Festival, held in Paphos in early spring and the Body & Soul Expo taking place in May in Kerynia.
People who are interested in learning about ways to take responsibility for their own health and happiness in a natural and holistic way have the opportunity to meet many practitioners, therapists and other people whose lives have been greatly improved and would like to share their knowledge and experience. Its a way to meet others interested in these fields and learn more about how to apply the information to their own lives for their own benefit and that of their families. There are sample workshops and presentations to give an understanding of topics which maybe people wouldn’t have access to in their everyday lives. The marketplace is a great place to shop for natural and organic products. There are many gifts and products on offer which are kind to the environment.

More and more, people are beginning to realize that the acquisition of material things does not necessary bring happiness or health. Taking the time to look inward, one can find that quiet place where one is connected to all that is. From there, it is much more easy to see the way forward in difficult times and, when times are good for you, how you can best help others. You can only find this out for yourself, but others, who have gone before, can offer guidance on every level – mind, body and spirit! “


On Key

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