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Be My Guest “Here is Iran!”


*written by Sadaf , who is from Iran and during the last 2 years lives in Larnaka, Cyprus


Here Is Iran, where a kid is dying from hunger and our government is donating five million dollars to Saudi Arabia in order to have better facilities for Kaba visitors.

Here Is Iran, where you can find oil in every State and thousands of people are dying from drinking dirty water. Where they are Building a Golden Mausoleum for an Islamic Republic Leader while many orphans are dying in streets from cold. Where an 18 years old girl makes five different plastic surgeries in order to look better and few streets further a father of the family is selling his kidney to take bread to his family.

Here is Iran, where the price of ice-cream is served in a gold plate and gold spoon in Milad Tower is 280 dollars and under the tower the construction worker is working for 5 dollars per day.

Here is Iran, where a mother of three handicapped soldiers is running for months to government offices to take money to buy them medicine and the government is sending weapons for Hezbollah. Where the top students are prohibited from going to university because of their political views and our president is talking about human rights for Palestinian people in UN. Where you can sell all kinds of drugs in the street but you are not allowed to sell a book about history before the Islamic government.

Here is Iran, where Govenment police are raping girls in their own prison and at the same time the President Ahmadinejad is saying to the Media that women are the most respected sex in the society. Where the riches are having billion dollar accounts in foreign banks and driving expensive cars while people are dying in hospitals because they don’t have enough money for their operation.

Here is the country that the government is selling the oldest historical pieces of Persepolis to European Museums in order to help Gaza in the name of Islam while many people in the country are living under poverty.

Here is Iran, where a proud Iranian man with high education is leaving the country to be a taxi driver somewhere in Europe in order to rescue his kids from Government police. Where domestic factories are closing down every day and the government is importing goods from Russia.

Here is Iran, where they change the name of the Persian Gulf to Arab Gulf and our president is smiling and shaking hands with Arab leaders. Where an uneducated man can have billions in his account and our young doctors are serving foods in restaurant.

Here is Iran, the country of poets and artists, who all live around the world and other countries, are taking advantage of their talents. Where money talks in offices, hospitals and universities and 50% don’t have it . Where you don’t see democracy, basic human rights and normal life for the majority! And all this is happening to us in the last 30 years!

Here is Iran, where with all these problems, poverty, discrimination and war that we have been through, people are still hopeful, kind and they are still dreaming of a better tomorrow!




On Key

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