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Single & the City “He is just not that into you”


Written by Chrissy Andreou

So ladies, you are single and you can’t stop thinking of that guy that looks perfect (in your head). BUT he is not coming any near you. Does he like you? If you think “maybe” or “yes”” then why he is not your boyfriend and why you are (still) single?
Any guy that likes a girl makes sure that he will have her (as a girlfriend).
Don’t waste your time to any guy that is not making any effort to win your heart.
So allow  me to wake you up a bit!
Here is some advice from the holy book “he’s just not that into you” written by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo: 

He’s just not that into you if he’s not calling you. Men know how to use the phone.

 I know. Every two weeks, once a month,  having a little love and affection may help you get through the day or the week or the month. But will it help you get through a lifetime?

 Cheaters never prosper. (Because they suck).

 Life is hard enough as it is without choosing someone difficult to share it with.

 Don’t give him the chance to reject you again.

 He might by lying in the hospital with amnesia, that’s why he is not calling you or seeing you. But more likely, he’s just not that into you.

 If he only wants to see you, talk to you, have sex with you, etc, when he’s inebriated, it ain’t love. It’s sport.

  There is no excuse for cheating. Let me say it again. There is no excuse for cheating. Now you say it. There is no excuse for cheating.

 Don’t  spend your time on and give your heart to any guy who makes you wonder about anything related to his feelings for you.

 He doesn’t have to love your CD collection. He doesn’t have to love your shoes. But any good, mature guy better make an attempt to love your friends and family –especially when they’re great.



On Key

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