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New Age Stuff “SRT”

By Christina-Maria Chryssafi, SRT Consultant
Christina-Maria Chryssafi, SRT Consultant
Mob. (0030) 6974109951
SRT is a relatively new method that is based on temporal knowledge like Pythagoras’ studies (Connection with the Divine Self, Music of the Spheres, Reincarnation, Purification through Spirituality etc.) and using the principles of Quantum Physics, it manifests the spiritual nature of Man on the material plane, in a scientific manner.
All of us accumulate and carry from this and previous lives, a variety of subconscious influences, limiting beliefs, barriers and interferences of any kind. This burdened soul state creates programs within the Self such as low self- esteem, unworthiness, self punishment, defining to a great extent the outcome of our life. In other words the program creates the belief which creates the emotion, which determines behavior, which creates the results! Thus, negative programs in one or more fields, prevent from developing one’s greater power, fulfilling one’s dreams and enjoying a life of health, love and prosperity.
SRT releases any kind of negative programs through a deep, total cleansing and allows new positive and supportive ideas and beliefs to be established and to achieve self healing in a personalized level. By eliminating all the negative energies and interferences one’s overall outlook is changed. The fresh, positive energy brings positive facts and based on these, one adopts a new positive mentality that brings even better facts and so on, always according to the extent that one allows it to happen.
SRT is not a regression or a method of hypnosis. It takes place through an easy process while the client is fully conscious and it can take place in their presence or from a distance, with the same level of success. A person can even be cleansed  without knowing it e.g unconscious people or children, but only after their Divine Self consent. The results are immediate and the following have been reported: Instant healing, relationship compensation, professional breakthroughs and more, while the cleansing continues to heal for at list six months, allowing the positive changes to be established in the most appropriate way!”
*copyright Christina-Maria Chryssafi, 2012


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