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Awakening The Illuminated Heart

From School of Remembering of Drunvalo Melchizedek


Start: February 07 2013
End: February 10 2013

Host by: Laszlo Zoltan Nagy

Many of you know and have read Drunvalo’s “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” book, in which he showed the sacred geometry and the MerKaBa, namely the connection of the entire human energy field, and its relation to All beings. I have held 134 “Flower of Life” courses since 2006 in Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria and the Czech republic.To continue The Flower of Life workshops and the book Drunvalo shared his knowledge in person at the Earth-Sky-Heart workshop. He revealed how to connect the MerKaBa with the heart, to which we can find implications in his Living in the Heart book.

In 2010 the Ascended Masters asked him to share this information with humanity in a simple and understandable form to everyone.

In late 2011 Drunvalo certified almost 100 new facilitators to present the new information to the world. The workshop is officially called the “Awakening The Illuminated Heart”. This is Divine information of how we enter our Sacred Space of our own Heart of Compassionate Divine Love for ALL Life Everywhere. This is where our Dreams come True. This is where Love Is the Light. This Is where we Live in Unity Consciousness.This truly Is our Next Step in this Ascension Process that this planet and all her life are moving into as we Speak! Hold on to your Seat, and just Enjoy! Remember, JOY is the Highest Frequency on planet Earth now.

As Drunvalo says:

“A bright and holy Lightdoes shine within our Hearts and offers living hope to all the world and to you personally. Ascension into the higher spiritual worlds is not a process that only the saints and holy ones could achieve. It is for all of us who choose this path of the Heart here on Earth right now. Ascension can be realized without leaving this world, and while being awake to all that is in our Reality. The outer world is but a reflection and creation of an inner world that has long been forgotten with our own Hearts.”

As the only Hungarian member of the “School of Remembering”
I would like to invite You to the “Awaking the Illuminated Heart” workshop in English. When Drunvalo introduced this new method, everything has changed. This is the moment we can connect to our light body in a natural and complete way that opens the door to the Unity of All Life.

To give a foretaste of the 4-day workshop:

Connecting the heart with the brain to balance the energy.
Activating the third eye and the pineal gland which allows the heart to look through its conscious eye so the creation process from the heart could begin.
Entering and experiencing the sacred space of the heart
Creating from the heart which is without polarity, the space of Unity. Creating a heart based MerKaBa more in alignment with today’s energies.
Uniting the old mind based MerKaBa with the new heart based MerKaBa
Introducing the method which allows us as the end of the process to activate the glory around our head, which was only the privilege of the Saints before.
Empowering yourself with heart-based decisions.
Applying the energy of your highest divine self.
And more techniques to remember who you are and to live with joy.These new teachings connect the heart with the brain through the pineal gland, which activates a new heart based MerKaBa. This combined, higher frequency MerKaBa, that is our simpler Light Body, is easier to use and program and immediately activates without speed ratio and complex remembering.
This heart based MerKaBa replaces the mind based MerKaBa, which was previously taught in the Flower of Life workshops.
I am introducing these new information to assist You how to open your heart, and from your heart You will be able to activate the heart based MerKaBa.
From this moment your dreams become your reality and we will learn to live from our compassionate heart with harmony with all life everywhere.

Price; 333EUR-
Students and Pensioner discount
The price is includes with a mediation mask buffet style fruit, nuts, water, tea and coffee.

Hours; Thursday-Sunday 9:30-18:30
The spaces are limited so registration are required.
Organizer: Roxana Balaji Phone: +357 998 26 641
email address;
There is great love here for You and see You in Cyprus.


On Key

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