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Be My Guest “Per voi”

“When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew…”                                                     

Arrigo Boito

I never truly believed in these things nor did I really consider them
I still don’t know if I do… Though, I would like to.

My story may seem naïve to some of you, sometimes coming to think about it, it seems naïve to me too. However, I only know and felt what really happened…

I met this man once
Like a feather he fell into my lap
A fleeting acquaintance at first I thought
But with one look I felt at home and complete

You know I met my twin soul once
He was sent to me in time of need
He took great pleasure in creating
Overwhelmed by inspiration and awe
Heightened by passion and thought

Like a guardian angel sent to help
We developed the closest
to what felt like a divine connection
out of my darkest cry he came
and shined me with laughter

like honey and frankincense it felt
by perfect point he made me smile again
I felt like me…
I met my twin soul once, I know because it felt weirdly familiar
For a while I didn’t miss anyone
Something that I’ve never felt before
It was agape, philia, eros and pathos intertwined

The time had come he had to leave
I can’t cry because I know he took care of me
You came you, you saved me and you left
You’re gone and I’m left alone again
We are twin souls not ready to return
Maybe one day we will be complete again
What can I say but thank you for helping me find my way

I hope to see you again some day
The last look you gave me was indescribable
Your eyes tearful, you said: “I love you, my heart will never forget…”
And with a kiss you singed an agreement
You said: ‘remember me…’
I promise I will never forget
I can’t cry because I know he did the best for me
And I do appreciate all the moments we had together
And I do appreciate that at least I got to meet you once
What can I say  but thank you for saving me from myself

Με αγάπη,
London December 2012




On Key

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