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Act Beyond Borders

Act Beyond Borders’ International Conference

Friday 22 November & Saturday 23 November 2013, at the Home for Cooperation

The “Act Beyond Borders” International Conference will explore success stories and challenges of civil society actions across the divide in Cyprus, Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Held at the Home for Cooperation in the UN Buffer zone in Nicosia, Cyprus, the conference will provide a space for participants from Cyprus, Israel and the Palestinian Territories to learn from each other, share their very own experiences and ideas with fellow civil society actors and academics, as well as jointly develop alternative proposals to help bridge the divide between communities.

The Act Beyond Borders conference concludes a three-year EU-funded project. Coordinated by the Future Worlds Center in Cyprus, in partnership with the Palestinian Dialogue Center in the Palestinian Territories and the Association for Progressive Education in Honor of Meir Yaari, in Israel, this project enhances CSO’s capacity to act within their communities, and on the national and trans-national levels as well.

This International Conference is open to the public and will be held on Friday November 22 and Saturday November 23 at the Home For Cooperation in Nicosia, Cyprus. For more information on the event or location please visit or email the Future Worlds Center at



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