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Eλληνική ποίηση στο Λονδίνο με αφορμή την Προεδρία της Ελλάδας στο Συμβούλιο της Ε.Ε

ΝΙΚΟΣ ΓΚΑΤΣΟΣ_1LONDON NW3: Greek Poems on the Underground
7.30pm, Thursday 20th February, 2014
Venue: Keats House, Hampstead, NW3 2RR
Tickets: £5 including wine
Greek Poems on the Underground
Publicity material for this event says:
Launch of Greek Poems on the Underground
(in cooperation with the Embassy of Greece and the Hellenic Foundation for Culture)

with Poems on the Underground Editors, guest poet Theo Dorgan, readers Piers Plowright and John Theocharis, and the Apollo Chamber Players performing music by Theodorakis
Six poems by Greek, British and Irish poets will be posted in London Underground cars from 24 February, in honour of the Greek EU Presidency (January-June 2014) and in celebration of the enduring ties between Greek culture and our own world. Themes range from love and the natural world to myth and history, in poems by the ancient Greek poets Sappho, Anyte and Plato, 20th-century Greek poets Cavafy and Gatsos, the Romantic Philhellines Byron, Shelley and Keats, and the Irish poet and translator Theo Dorgan.

Booking 020 7332 3868
or email:


On Key

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