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Single & the City “Because, we are not speaking”

cute-sad-girl-fashion-lovelyYou always inhabit a little corner in my mind, half of my heart, and most of my tears.

I have been asking about you and hearing about your success ever since.

I wanted to speak to you, to see how you are and tell you how proud I am of you.

Thinking about it, it is rather selfish actually, the reason why I am proud… I contributed to a part of what you are and so have you. I will always associate my up-bringing with you, as I was with you for the most of my young years.  Therefore I am glad to think that I contributed to something good and worthwhile, as I hope you do too.

Only now, 3 years later and being at the age you were at when our relationship started, do I understand the importance and depth of our bond…and come to terms with why you acted in certain ways that I could not fully grasp at the time…

What we had might not have been healthy and we both knew it, its cycle had come to an end. But looking back I appreciate every little moment, every laughter, and every song we wrote together, each dent in the wall, every glass that broke and tear that was shed.

Thank you for the most amazing half of a decade we spent together…
Thank you being my friend, family and lover…
Thank you for being passionate, patient and you…

I’m sorry for trying to change who you are… I know now that it was a mistake, I should have loved your indiscretions…
I’m sorry for being short tempered and holding grudges…I no longer do that…

It has taken me long way and a whole lot of soul searching to be able to see my wrong doings, so I hope you can accept my apology.

Your friendship will always have a place in my heart, I dream of the day we can sit opposite eachother, as friends and have a discursive conversation.

Yours truly,


On Key

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