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The Art of Cake Design will be in Larnaca….all the way from Portugal!


Pirikos Cake Design & Party Shop in Portugal one of the most famous Cake Designers in Europe will be in Cyprus on the 23rd & 24th of June, in Larnaca at the Sunhall Hotel for his specialty workshops organise and hosted by Charlie’s.

Skala Times seized the opportunity to interview Louis and Catarina owners of Pirikos Cake Design who will soon be on our sunny Island to teach the workshop themselves!!

If you want to participate in the workshops please contact Chrissy Savva from Charlie’s on 99196306 or send a private message .
Spaces are limited as this is a very personal hands on workshop.

cake2For how many years have you have you been involved in this kind of art, more specifically in cake decoration?
We did the first cake in October 2011, for our youngest son just for fun and without any interest in doing business with cake decorating.
A few days after that a close friend asked us if we could do a cake for him and, suddenly, we started having more and more requests from close friends and family.
Nonetheless, professionally we’re only doing it since July 2013

This type of ART (Sugar-craft) is new on our island but is very well known
in Europe. From your workshops around Europe, is there any country that you would say is a specialist in cake decoration?

There are, in fact, a few countries that have been cake decorating more traditionally, regardless of this, we have been encountering great talents not only with those with but also in the ones that have less tradition or years of cake decorating.

Do you have a website where people can see your work?
The easiest way to see our work is on . We post most
of our work there.

In June it will be an honor to have you on our Island. Is this your first time in Cyprus?
The honor is ours! And yes, it will be our first time in Cyprus!

What can we expect to learn through your workshops in Larnaca?cake 3
We will teach our method for planning and creating the cake frames.
The appropriate materials for food industry that you can use to achieve them, and all the specific techniques for these two very different cakes.

In your opinion is Cake decoration a matter of technique or a matter of inspiration and talent?
They always have to allie together. What good comes from having one, if you don’t have the other?
Technique without imagination gives more of the same.
Inspiration without technique can give you something imperfect.

What would you say is of more significance? The taste or the look of a cake?
Once again, both!
You can have a beautiful cake which makes it appealing but, once you taste it, if it doesn’t taste good, you won’t ask for a second one!
On the other hand, if a cake is not appealing even if it tastes good, you just might not even try it!

What do you think made you succeed in this sweet field of art?
From the feedback we’ve been having it relates specially with our creativity, our techniques and the way we teach.

What would your advise be to all the people that are interested in cake
Try to learn the most from the professionals you like and have as a reference, but always try to search for your own style, so that you can distinguish yourselves from other artists.


On Key

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