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The white big apple….


The US government in Washington, as well as many schools and businesses throughout the region are shut. At least 31 people have been left dead. The fatalities were as a result of car accidents, carbon monoxide poisoning and heart attacks suffered while shovelling snow.
Greek Cypriots living in New York City speak to Skala Times about the weather situation in the big apple and they sent us photos from their neighborhood.
In New York City – which saw its second-highest snowfall since records began in 1869 – a travel ban that effectively shut the city down has now been lifted.And all government-funded schools in the city are open today.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio urged people to leave their cars covered with snow all week, but he tweeted that the city was now “bouncing back”.

Skala Times


Eleni Michael Kadribasic
There was a no driving ban on Saturday until Sunday 7:00 am. Second worse snow storm.
Today schools are open but should have closed.
People are very upset. They started a petition on for schools to be closed tomorrow Tuesday.
Neighborhood streets in some queens areas were not cleaned and the mayor was upset about it. In woodside and sunnyside.
They finally cleaned a path in the street yesterday afternoon.


Midia Diomidous
For two days we were stock in the house. Business couldn’t open it was a mess but as the day goes by everything is trying to go back to normal.
All the streets are plowed. People go out because they are now used to this.


Georgia Ignatiou
Yesterday the sittuation was really bad. No one could walk in the streets of New York!

Thousands of viewers took to Twitter to show us that their streets have not been plowed, some using the hashtag #PLOWQUEENS


On Key

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