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“Bραβείο Σωτήρη Ηλία” απ’ την Αμερικανική Ακαδημία Λάρνακας


Ο αείμνηστος Σωτήρης Ηλία (1958-2016) υπήρξε μαθητής της Αμερικανικής Ακαδημία Λάρνακας την δεκαετία του ’70 και ένας εξαιρετικός πρωταθλητής.
Ξεχώριζε για τον χαρακτήρα του, το μεγάλο του αθλητικό ταλέντο, την εργατικότητα και αφοσίωση του, αλλά και για το ήθος του.

Αποφοίτησε απ’ την Αμερικανική Ακαδημία Λάρνακας το 1978.

Σε τελετή που πραγματοποιήθηκε προς τιμή του, την Τρίτη 4 Απριλίου 2017, στην Αμερικανική Ακαδημία Λάρνακας, ανακοινώθηκε πως κάθε χρόνο η Αμερικανική Ακαδημία Λάρνακας θα απονέμει προς τιμή του Σωτήρη Ηλία ένα βραβείο με το όνομα του, σε ένα τελειόφοιτο αθλητή της, ο οποίος θα έχει υποδείξει καθόλη τη διάρκεια της φοίτησης του ψηλές αθλητικές αποδόσεις, ήθος,ανθρωπιά και αγωνιστικό πνεύμα. Αξίες τις οποίες ο Σωτήρης υπηρέτησε και ακολούθησε στη ζωή του.

Πιο κάτω η ομιλία (στα αγγλικά) που εκφώνησε ο πολύ καλός φίλος του αείμνηστου Σωτήρη, Γιάννος Δημητρίου

In Memory of Sotiris Elia

Dear Mrs Ullman, and staff members,

Dear Mr. Pieris, Miss Pambou, Mr Chimonides,

Dear members of the family, classmates and friends of the late Sotiris Elia,

Dear students,

We have gathered today to honour the memory of a very special person, a distinguished member of the American Academy family, a great father and husband, a very dear friend. Sotiris fought with admirable courage and strength against cancer for about a year, but unfortunately we lost him last November.

3Sotiris Elia, studied at the Academy in the 1970s. That period was marked by the unprecedented tragedy of 1974. Some of our students lost their lives, others lost close family members, and many more had to discontinue their studies.

The general mood of the school after the Turkish invasion was quite subdued, however the difficulties brought the students together and student life continued to thrive despite the difficulties.

Sotiris and his classmates enjoyed very similar activities as you do now, such as school trips, brotherhood parties and so on.

It was during that challenging period that Sotiris, with the encouragement of our inspiring coach, Mr Panayiotis Pieri, got involved in track and field sports. Sotiris was gifted with exceptional talent; he was also highly dedicated and worked really hard.

His competitive and fighting spirit quickly enabled him to excel in middle distance running. Gradually, he developed to be one of the most outstanding athletes in the history of the American Academy.

From 1976 to 1978 he competed on a District and Pancyprian level and won numerous distinctions including many first places in the 800, 1500 and 3000m races.

In 1977 he won first place in the 800m race in the Pancyprian Student Track and Field Competition. The same year, he participated in the Panhellenic Student Competition.

His most memorable successes, however, came in the Shield Sports competitions. The Shield Sports, were the annual track and field meeting between the AA and the ES of Nicosia which was organized in the Spring of every year.

It was one of the longest sports traditions on the island spanning almost a century before they were, regretfully, discontinued. The competitive spirit between the two schools was unrivalled and the athletes who excelled in the Games were admired and highly respected by the students and Staff.

Sotiris was a great champion of the Shield Sports.4

In 1976, he broke the record in the 1500m race which had stood for 26 years. He also won easily the 800m. In 1977 he set a new record in the 800m race. For the rest of the story of that truly memorable afternoon, on 30th April 1977, I will hand it over to Nicos Anastasiou in just a few minutes who will share with us his personal account.

His successes continued in 1978 with victories in the 800 and 1500m races.

Sotiris and other great athletes of that era were leaders who set an example and inspired a generation of younger AA athletes and students. They were the conduits of a long tradition of excellence which passes on from generation to generation and is shared by all AA students and graduates to this day.

Despite his successes, Sotiris remained humble, approachable and very friendly, not only towards his classmates, but especially towards younger students who looked up to him as a genuine role model.

For all his accomplishments, Sotiris received many awards. I consider the two most honourable to be the “AA – Best Athlete of the Year Award” that he won for two consecutive school years.

5Sotiris Elia was a disciplined and hard-working student as well. That enabled him to attend New York City University – Queens College in the US where he studied Accounting and Economics. He had already married in 1981 his high school sweetheart Sophia. They both worked very hard to support a young family and his studies at the same time. The new challenges kept him away from sports.

Sotiris and Sophia have two wonderful and proud children, Elpida and Alexandros who are here with us today. Just like he did in sports, Sotiris was dedicated to his family and worked really hard and honourably to provide the best for them. Throughout his life he remained a humble man, true to his principles, his family and friends.

I’m deeply saddened by the great loss of a beloved friend, a co-athlete, a fellow AA alumni. But, I’m also greatly honoured at the same time to be standing here today, to pay tribute to Sotiris Elia, a fantastic man who led by example, a true champion in sports and in life. Our school motto: “To Grow and to Serve”, was never an empty set of words or a just another slogan for Sotiris, it was a way of life!

Dear students,6

The flame of the “THE ACADEMY SPIRIT” is burning high for more than a century on these grounds.

Keep in mind that attending the AA has always been a privilege. Never compromise your talents and abilities. Do not settle for mediocrity. Just like Sotiris Elia, pursue your dreams with hard work, dedication and passion. Always seek to achieve the best of your abilities.

The torch is in your hands!

To honour Sotiris’ memory, his family and friends have suggested to the Council and it has been approved to establish:

The “Sotiris Elia Prize,” to be awarded to the top class track and field athlete who has demonstrated dedication to the school, ethos, humility and a fighting spirit.

Thank you for your attention.

Now, I would like to call Nicos Anastasiou on stage to share his personal account of the 1977 Shield Sports.


On Key

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