By Elena Juganaru Andreou
For the last few months this question tortures me day and night. In my mid-forties I again have to face this dilemma for the third time in my life. What shall I follow? Money or passion? Although, unfortunately for me, the answer, especially today, looks more clear than ever before….for the third time in my life I will not follow my passion, simply because “I don’t have THE OPTION. If it wasn’t for Stavros Limbouris and his willingness to defy everything and everybody just to follow his passion this tag of war in me wouldn’t have begun, and opened my eyes and pushed me to reassess my life.
It was middle of March and close to Stavros’ (my husband’s godchild) birthday, and we were discussing with my husband to organise something.
At some point my husband told me that Stavros quit nursery college to pursue his passion of becoming a hairdresser. What?
My first thought was, Is he crazy? What is in his mind? How is it possible not thinking of his future?
Why his parents let him do this?
His oldest brother studied nursing and his twin brother was going for that too. A clean and respectable job and a sure income. Everybody around him, his parents, his twin brother, his close relatives and his friends encouraged him to go into that direction since he was always an excellent student.
Before you criticize my thoughts just think for a minute. We are talking about Cyprus in the worst period of the island’s history and economical dilemma, where children are pushed to choose a profession that will ensure them a safe income and a sure job. And most of the times money is the strongest motive that young choose a profession.
So, what is wrong with Stavros? Why doesn’t he follow the “normal path”, where did he find that strength to stand up and confront the whole world and say: I will quit this college and become a hairdresser, because this is what makes me happy and what I would love to do for the rest of my life!”
It is not easy in this society, where people take it on faith that more power will somehow solve the very problems they have helped to create, that everyone has an opinion about everything, with so much liberty that you are afraid to talk anymore, where everything is governed by facebook and its social norms, to stand up and decide that you want to be happy! Oh… come on! SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE A GUN AND SHOOT HIM !
It is hard to me to picture world after Stavros’ decision! It is difficult to recover innocence, ignorance, and lack of understanding. But who is Stavros Limbouris anyways?
I watched Stavros as an adolescent…He wasn’t normal! How many adolescents have you seen making cakes, decorating them? His cakes are for expositions…you don’t want to cut them and eat them…you feel at awe, don’t want to destroy such a piece of art.
There aren’t many adolescents who think of the environment!! I know, I leave on planet Earth and I see how teenagers are too careless to find time for such causes! But not Stavros. Ten years ago, he took part on a campaign and competition called “The week of the environment Apr. 30th- May 6th 2007” and he painted a funny portrait of the environment with a very ironic message! “DO WE REALLY CLEAN THE ENVIRONMENT?” And his painting won first prize! No wonder why!
Last week he took part in the “Head Shave Challenge Day Limassol 2017” organised by McDonald’S House Charities Cyprus and Karaiskagio Institute to support kids with cancer! But this is Stavros, ready to help everyone, putting his heart and his talent in everything he does!

I have watched him working when he did the hair for the models for the photoshoot of Christina Louca’S Designs and FASHION-essay. (

And then I understood why he was drawn to hairdressing! He uses his amazing creativity to get his foot at the door of a profession ruled by real passion.
I can say only one last thing! I don’t only admire these kind of people, “admire” as a word which seems poor to me to describe people like Stavros. “RESPECT” may be the best word! I have lots of RESPECT FOR people who follow their “passion”!