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Invitation to participate in doctoral research

A PhD student in the Department of Psychology at Northcentral University, USA is conducting a research study to investigate the influence of Mediterranean diet, physical activity and sleep quality on depressive symptoms.  This research is completed as part of his doctoral degree.

We invite you to participate.

Participation is voluntary and anonymous and all answers confidential.
No personal identifiers will be collected.

In appreciation for your time, you can choose to enter a draw to win one of the 4 gift vouchers (Debenhams) to the value of 50 euro each.

For more information click on the flyer of the study below.

This research will be open to participation from January 19 to February 11, 2018.
If you are interested, please visit the following link for the consent information.

Please share with friends, colleagues or family members you think might be interested to participate. 

Thank you for your time, interest and help.
English flyerjpg_Page1



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