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“Cyprus Food Treasures” at Apothiki 79 in Larnaca

Nell’ambito della Settimana della Cucina Italiana, Marilena Ioannides, scrittrice e cuoca di fama internzionale spiegherà quali sono stati gli influssi della cucina veneta nella tradizione della cucina cipriota. Al termina verrà offerto un assaggio di piatti tradizionali veneto-ciprioti preparati da Marilena

A presentation on Cyprus cuisine, highlighting the various components that come together to create its unique identity, as well as the set of customs that define the culinary culture of Cyprus this Friday from 19:00 -21:00. Among others, Venetian influence on Cyprus cuisine will also be addressed.
The event will be based on Marilena’s book “Cyprus Food Treasures” and will be concluded with savory and sweet treats, prepared just for the occasion to be offered to the guests.

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