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Vasilis V Handpan & Lyra Duo at Ammos

Hosted by Pop The Revolution and Ammos Beach Bar

Pop the Revolution presents an amazing performance and musical experience.

Vasilis Vasiliou  & Christina Polycarpou are a brand new Duo that focuses on experimenting with new musical approaches (arrangement, composition and soundscapes) that arise through their individual influences.

Improvisation is a core element of the Duo that comes from the two musicians’ varying musical knowledge and experiences, creating new perspectives.

The handpan is a contemporary instrument, whereas the lyra comes from a well-established Greek musical tradition. The mystic modern sound of the handpan is respectfully combined with tradition, creating a powerful yet sensitive sound which unites these two different musical pathways.

The combination of the handpan and the lyra is officially presented for the first time worldwide.

In this newly formed project, Vasilis Vasiliou & Christina Polycarpou Duo perform their own compositions and share with the audience new soundscapes, which result from the almost magical combination of the lyra with the handpan. The duet also performs compositions from several traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean, such as Armenian, Cypriot, Turkish, Greek and Bulgarian, but with a new and fresh approach and mood, in some cases changing their rhythms and even transforming them entirely.

This musical journey and experience will be accompanied with the sounds and incredible vibes of  DJ Koulla P. Katsikoronoiou

Thursday 6th August 2020, 7 p.m

Reservations :
24 82 88 44


On Key

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