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Online Conference – Debating Regime Transformation in Turkey

Online Conference: Debating Regime Transformation in Turkey
Department of Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cyprus

Saturday, November 6th 2021
Zoom Registration:

Meeting ID: 975 3057 4999
Academic research and debates around authoritarianism and more specifically the “authoritarian turn” in Turkey have been flourishing especially since 2013. This theoretical framework gained a new momentum during and after the transition of Turkey from a parliamentary democracy to the presidential system. In the broader framework of these discussions the recent trajectory of Turkish politics under the government of the AKP is positioned in the global web of “democratic backsliding” and while there is no agreement on the exact form of the new political regime in Turkey, there is an emergent consensus that AKP’s recent years have been defined by a specific authoritarian shift.
Instead of searching for explicit moments of “authoritarian turn and shift”, this conference aims to
contribute to the current academic research regarding regime transformation in Turkey through the study and analysis of the long-term political, economic, social, and cultural dynamics that resulted in the recent transition to the presidential system. At the same time, one of the main aspects of this international conference is to examine old and new forms of resistance as well as possibilities for democratic political and right-seeking activities, having in mind that Turkey has a long tradition of social movements.
This conference aims to bring together scholars working on contemporary Turkey. Through this effort we hope to explore the new political and social dynamics in the country connecting them to the historical background as well as to the global conjuncture.

Zoom Registration:
Meeting ID: 975 3057 4999


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