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Στα pod com του Γιάννη Διανέλλου και στην εκπομπή «Καφές με φίλους» η αρχισυντάκτρια του SkalaTimes Γιώτα Δημητρίου

Στην εκπομπή του Γιάννη Διανέλλου βρέθηκε η αρχισυντάκτρια του SkalaTimes, δημοσιογράφος Γιώτα Δημητρίου, όπου μίλησε για τη δημοσιογραφική της πορεία και όχι μόνο.

Μπορείτε να ακούσετε τη συνέντευξη της εδώ:


Yiota Dimitriou graduated from Middlesex University London with a journalism degree, and she completed an internship at Cambridge’s local newspaper “Cambridge Evening News”.

Media Work Experience
After studying in London, she worked as a journalist at Dias Publishing house for the magazines “OK” and “To Periodiko” and she also had her own column in the Sunday Edition of “Simerini” newspaper.
Later on, after an offer she could not refuse, she became the Editor-in-Chief of Espresso Newspaper in Cyprus, while appearing weekly on a TV show giving overviews and discussing the weekly topics of Cypriot Magazines.
Her love for London, her second hometown as she refers to it, inspired her in 2011 to take an opportunity and work as an editor-in-chief assistant, with a yearly contract for the newspaper “Parikiaki” in London. Since February 2012 she has been the founder and editor-in-chief of the local online magazine Skala Times.

For 5 years (2015-2020), Yiota taught creative writing at Larnaca Cultural Foundation, which is under the auspices of Cyprus Ministry of Education.
Also for two years (2018-2020) she taught journalism at Alexander College in Larnaca.

Interest in Social Issues
Her interest in social issues lead her to the following:
-She’s been a scouter for 15 years
-In 2008-2009 she found “the artistic movement of L.C.A” (Larnaca Contemporary Art)
-In 2011 she participated in “Occupy London” with Julian Assange being the speaker
-She co-founded the activist team “Larnaca Act” in 2014
– From November 2015 until June 2017, she was the president of “Environmental Movement of Larnaca”
-From June 2017 till today she is the Press Representative of “Environmental Movement of Larnaca”
-She volunteered in 2018 as a press officer for Larnaca Biennale
-In April 2022 she became a member of the Committee of the First Larnaca National Poetry Festival

Yiota wrote her first poetry collection in 2015 which later on was presented in Larnaca by the actress Elena Hadjiafxenti.
Her inspiration for writing continues with the end goal of seeing her books on shelves in London bookshops. She also wrote reviews on two books published by Psyhoyios in Athens.
Last but not least, Yiota did the book presentation for many famous Greek and other authors (Alkioni Papadaki, Kostas Kremidas, Victoria Hislop, Kostas Markidis, etc).


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