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Larnaca: Little Muse Youth Theater presents the play “The Odyssey” by David Farr (Performance in English)

Παρασκευή 7 Απριλίου στος 8:00 μ.μ.στο Παττίχειο Θέατρο ΣΚΑΛΑ το Little Muse Youth Theatre παρουσιάζει την παράσταση «The Odyssey» by David Farr (Παράσταση στα αγγλικά).
Σκηνοθεσία: Catherine Beger.
Είσοδος €8.
Προπώληση: 96216435

Friday, April 7 at 8:00 p.m. at the Pattigio Theater SKALA, the Little Muse Youth Theater presents the play “The Odyssey” by David Farr (Performance in English)
Directed by Catherine Beger.
Entrance €8.
Presale: 96216435

Catherine Begel: A review of a rehearsal of The Odyssey-Premiere 7/4/2023Suitable 9+yrs -109yrs”This show is something else. For the squeamish, I should mention that there is a certain amount of language (not excessive), violence in realistic context (unfortunate that it’s accurate, but it’s not overdone), and sexual innuendo that is maybe more than necessary but a whole lot less than any Greek myths have in their original form & of course plenty of comedy. Knowing the story of Odysseus would help with understanding the play, but it is definitely understandable even without that, and the mix of an ancient Greek myth with the absolutely current refugee situation is unbelievably fitting.It’s going to be a performance truly worth seeing, and it’s just over a week away! There will be tickets available at the door one hour before the show (if they haven’t sold out before then), but for the best seats, get the tickets ahead of time on-line “

Φωτογραφίες από τις πρόβες/ Photos from the rehearsals :


On Key

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