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What universe is that, in which we are no longer humane enough to care?

By Maria Thompson

We live in a crazy world where we have to explain to people, including dear friends, that killing 50,000 innocent people in the span of
8 months is not OK, that this is not “an accident” and definitely not “self-defense”. And yes, we all know indeed that war is really “ugly”.

But this is not war. This is a deliberate genocide with the main aim to eradicate an entire population, because apparently not all lives have the same value. Your life’s worth depends on where you were born, even if it is a few kilometres away from where we are right now, where we are enjoying our coffee in the comfort of our beautiful home (a few children will most probably die by the time we finish the coffee by the way).

I really try not to get angry with people’s comments, but sometimes they are so heartless and inhumane that it makes me wonder, what parallel universe are we living in, that we cannot value human life the same way.

When did it become ok to see thousands of children’s corpses, buried by their mourning parents, when just hours ago they were enjoying dinner together.

What universe is that, in which we are no longer humane enough to care about the fact, that millions of people will never see their home again, are starving to death as collective punishment, and are being burned alive, under the tents that they are now desperately taking refuge in, in designated areas where they were told it is the only safe place to go to.

What world is this? And what hope do we have for humanity?


On Key

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