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American Academy Larnaca Junior School becomes the 1st School in Cyprus which launches the Youth Responders Programme

Press Release
Larnaca— 23/9/2024

We are proud to announce the launch of the Youth Responders Programme, a ground-breaking initiative supported by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and in partnership with Spiritus Invictus Foundation. This vital health and safety programme will be conducted over two days, on Monday, 23rd September and Thursday, 26th September, with five interactive sessions designed to educate and empower young students on how to respond to health emergencies.

The programme will involve Grade 4, Grade 5, and Grade 6 students, equipping them with essential first- aid skills and knowledge of emergency response protocols. By participating in these hands-on sessions, 125 students will become better prepared to handle critical health situations both at school and in their communities.
On Monday, 23rd September, representatives from the Ministry of Health attended the sessions in
support of this initiative. This marks a significant milestone as the programme is being piloted at the American Academy Larnaca Junior School, making it the first to implement the Youth Responders Programme. With guidance from health professionals and trainers from the Spiritus Invictus Foundation, students will learn invaluable skills that could one day save lives.
The Youth Responders Programme aims to foster a culture of health awareness and personal
responsibility in youth, empowering them to become proactive in promoting safety and wellness in their everyday lives.

“We are thrilled to collaborate on this important programme that aligns with our mission to build healthier and safer communities. It’s inspiring to see the next generation take on such an important role in emergency preparedness,” said Mr. Polys Polykarpou, Manager in charge of resuscitation services of the Ministry of Health.
Mrs. Fiona Smith, Headteacher of the American Academy Larnaca Junior School added that:” The school community is excited to be at the forefront of such a meaningful initiative, as students eagerly anticipate their participation in this impactful programme”.

At the American Academy Larnaca we believe that by incorporating the Youth Responders Programme into primary education, we are not just preparing students for potential emergencies but we are helping to shape well-rounded individuals who are confident, compassionate and capable of contributing positively to their communities.



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